The Auxiliary plays an active role in North Sydney Boys High School by providing hospitality for school events and fundraising activities. It also provides an informal avenue for the sharing of information among parents.
Parents are encouraged to join the Auxiliary (membership fee of $2) and attend meetings, which are scheduled on the 3rd Wednesday of each month during school terms, from 9:30am to 11:30am.
The dates for 2024 are:
20 February; 20 March; 15 May; 19 June; 21 August; 18 September; 16 October; 20 November
The Principal or a Deputy Principal also attends the meetings to update parents on school issues. The Auxiliary is involved in:
- Hosting the Welcome BBQ for Year 7 families (run by Year 8 parents)
- Operating the Uniform Shop
- Providing hospitality for key school events such as Year 7 Orientation Day and Crossroads
- Raising funds by organising an annual event and participating in the Entertainment Book marketing initiative
- Book covering in the library (on request from faculties)
- Organising the Year 12 Graduation Dinner (run by Year 11 parents)
- Organising the staff Christmas lunch
The Auxiliary’s committee for 2024 is:
President - Malathy Yuvaraj
Secretary - Monica Le-Nguyen
Communications Officer - Renata Tacadena
Uniform Shop Coordinator - Angela Wang
Fundraising Coordinator - Anitha Ramesh
P&C representative - Renata Tacadena
Volunteers are always welcome and appreciated. Please email if you wish to be notified of future meetings and activities.
Click here to order the Entertainment Digital Membership. Alternatively, please contact the Auxiliary at for more information.