North Sydney Boys High School

Vincit qui se vincit

Telephone02 9955 4748


At North Sydney Boys we understand the importance of our school and greater community.

A deep sense of community exists within the school. We enjoy the benefits of a highly supportive school community that works to improve the experience for all within North Sydney Boys.

Our parents are actively involved in the school through the School Council, P&C, Auxiliary, Falcon Sport and Falcon Foundation. They are passionately committed to the school and we greatly appreciate their involvement.

Our boys play a critical and valued role in their school community and their voices contribute to the school's priorities through involvement in school community groups, student committees and student led activities.

Our boys acknowledge and celebrate each other's achievements and talents. They develop and enjoy a deep sense of school pride that carries them beyond the school gates.

We also actively encourage and support students to contribute to their local community. In doing so our boys gain an understanding of social justice issues, develop a sense of their place in society and understand where they can best make a difference today and in their future pursuits. The boys gain valuable experiences that help develop integrity, empathy and respect.